Depending on the intended use case, there are multiple ways to install Axelor. For developers of the Axelor community alike, the preferred way is to perform a source install (running Axelor from the source code).
Clone root axelor repository from Github.
$ git clone
Note: Re-name folder "open-suite-webapp" to "axelor-erp".
Change directory to "axelor-erp/module/axelor-open-suite".
$ cd axelor-erp/module/axelor-open-suite
Clone module repository from Github.
$ git clone
Note: Follow below steps for re-location module derectory.
Project structure look like "axelor-erp/module/axelor-open-suite/axelor-open-suite/*"
Change like "axelor-erp/module/axelor-open-suite/*". delete one sub-folder "axelor-open-suite"
Postgres SQL used in this project for setup database.
Open configuration file "axelor-erp/src/main/resources/".
db.default.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
db.default.ddl = update
db.default.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/axelor_bd
db.default.user = postgres
db.default.password = password
Open terminal from root folder "axelor-erp" and build the project (It will take around 5-10 min for first time)
$ ./gradlew clean classes build -x test cleanEclipse eclipse
Start server
$ ./gradlew --no-daemon run
Open terminal from root folder "axelor-erp" and build the project (It will take around 5-10 min for first time)
$ gradlew.bat clean classes build -x test cleanEclipse eclipse
Start server
$ gradlew.bat --no-daemon run